Geranium Revitalizer Flairosol


The Geranium Revitalizer Flairosol is a provitamin and biostimulant nutrient complex, with high foliar absorption that shows visible results in 2-3 days by promoting compact plant development, inducing ower formation, maximising flower size and lignifying cell walls, thus considerably increasing protection against the geranium borer. Its combination with the Flairosol application system improves absorption and maximises results.

• Composition: 500 mg/l Nitrogen, 800 mg/l Phosphorus, 700 mg/l Potassium, chelated micronutrients, natural amino acids, provitamins, chelated iron and natural extracts.

Formats - Presentations:Flairosol 300ml
Category: Fertilizers, Fertilizers, Fertilizers and Plant Protection

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