Garden Gravel

BATLLE Garden Gravel is a long lasting mineral material, which has the advantage of being lightweight due to its high porosity. It is easy to handle and once in the ground it does not degrade. Its porosity provides excellent insulation against cold and frost. It reduces irrigation, reducing evaporation and improving water in ltration into the soil, as well as providing a high aesthetic quality. It limits the development of weeds by blocking light and avoids the use of chemical herbicides. Its light colour allows solar radiation to be re ected back to the plants and creates a pleasant contrast to the dark foliage. The Garden Gravel is designed for covering gardens, potted plant surfaces and can be walked on.

• Technical Characteristics:
· Dry Matter: 65%
· Conductivity: 45 mS/m
· Water Retention Capacity: 200 ml/l
· pH: 8.5

Formats - Presentations:Bag of 45l
Category: Ornamental Plants, Substrates and Ornamental Plants

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